Medical Equipments
Serving a wide continuum of healthcare providers, we offer you a wide range of products, including...
Type to Filter:
Patient Warmer
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High Flow Blood & Fluid Warmers
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ICU Ventilator
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Transport Ventilator
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Neonatal Ventilator
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Pressure Support Non-Invasive Ventilator
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High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator
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Quantitative Sensory Testing for Skin Sensitivity
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Radiofrequency for Pain Management System
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Radiofrequency Ablation System (Necrosis of Soft Tissue Lesions)
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Description about the product and brief explanation
IVUS: Intra-Venous Ultrasound System for 3D Imaging
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Electrophysiology Monitoring System
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Intra Aaortic Balloon Pumps
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Description about the product and brief explanation
Level Disinfector
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Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Nasal Flow CPAP Units for Neonatals
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Haemostasis Analyser: Thrombelastograph TEG Analyser
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Hemofiltration Dialysis Machines
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ACT Machines
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Non-Invasive Cardiac Ooutput Monitors
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FIO2 Monitors
Description about the product and brief explanation
Polysomnographic Monitors
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Nitric Oxide Delivery System
Description about the product and brief explanation
You can contact our direct sales on:
Phone: +961 1 68 11 14
Mobile: +961 3 27 24 26
Address: Sid El Bouchrieh