Serving a wide continuum of healthcare providers, we offer you a wide range of products, including...
Type to Filter:
Ambulatory Infusion
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Arterial Blood Sampling
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Cardio-thoracic Surgery
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Critical Care Monitoring
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
General Hospital Supplies
Description about the product and brief explanation
General Surgery
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Hospital Infusion
Description about the product and brief explanation
Interventional Cardiology
Description about the product and brief explanation
Interventional Neuro-radiology
Description about the product and brief explanation
Interventional Radiology
Description about the product and brief explanation
Needle Protection
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
Pain Management
Description about the product and brief explanation
Surgical Disposables
Description about the product and brief explanation
Surgical Drainage
Description about the product and brief explanation
Temperature Management
Description about the product and brief explanation
Description about the product and brief explanation
You can contact our direct sales on:
Phone: +961 1 68 11 14
Mobile: +961 3 27 24 26
Address: Sid El Bouchrieh